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"The Virreinal Series", 1993 - 2000
peripheral vision 2021.jpg

"Peripheral Vision," Color pencil on rag paper, 50"h x 30"w, 1994

Among my many stylistic influences over the years, I really fell in love with the art of the Mexican and Cuzco Virreinal, or Viceregal, or Colonial period - the art produced in Latin America in the 16th through 18th centuries. The greyed palette, the didactic narratives, the sombre intensity of the saints and the occasional unintentionally silly detail - all of these flourished here as echoes of the European Gothic and Primitive painters and theologians who influenced the first Catholic priests and painting instructors to come to the New World and their native, indigenous student painters. 

All these works are color pencil on cotton rag paper.

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